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作者:曲 丁 · 2006-08-25 来源:凯风网

● 一个荒唐的传言——“苏家屯集中营”






● 真实的辽宁省血栓病中西医结合医院

  ▲ 位于沈阳苏家屯区的辽宁省血栓病中西医结合医院,是中国中医治疗血栓病的权威机构,在当地被简称为“血栓病医院”。

  ▲ 医院占地21000平方米,建筑面积25000平方米,每年接待国内外患者近30万人次,多次接待韩国、日本、英国、澳大利亚、马来西亚、新加坡等国家的政府代表团和民间人士。

  ▲ 医院位于苏家屯区最繁华地带,紧邻该区主干道雪松路,东侧是苏家屯区南部最大的公园——迎春公园,西侧是雪松体育馆,曾举办过很多大型的体育比赛和文艺演出。

● 漏洞百出的谎言

  ▲ “法轮功”媒体称苏家屯血栓病医院关押着6000多名“法轮功”学员,而实际上这所医院总共只有300多张床位,根本住不下6000多人。

  ▲ “证人”安妮称,苏家屯血栓病医院对被关押的“法轮功”学员进行活体解剖,开展非法的人体器官移植。事实上该医院在中国医院的分类中属于二级甲等,在医疗手段、设备水平、医师权限等多方面都不具备“摘除人体器官”的能力。

  ▲  苏家屯血栓病医院是一家以口服中药为主,以中医针灸、按摩等疗法治疗血栓病的医院。这样一家以中医为主的专科医院没有可能从事高难度的西医手术。

  ▲  “证人”安妮称医院将“法轮功”学员的器官倒卖到泰国等地,却没有提供任何证据或线索。据我们了解,泰国法律禁止非亲属捐赠器官,更何况器官进口或买卖。

  ▲  “证人”安妮称其前夫是脑外科大夫,又说他从2001年开始做眼角膜摘除手术。脑外科大夫可以做眼角膜摘除手术吗?

  ▲  “法轮功”媒体所谓的“焚尸炉”实际是苏家屯血栓病医院的锅炉房

  ▲ 住院患者没见到“集中营”

  ▲  医院周围居民斥为胡说


● 美国外交官亲自调查




● 境外媒体实地采访




● 结语



“Sujiatun Concentration Camp”
—A lie about organ transplant

A Ridiculous Rumor: “Sujiatun Concentration Camp”

Since 8 March 2006, the Minghui and Dajiyuan (Epoch Times) websites, which are affiliated with the “Falun Gong”, have published several articles claiming that a concentration camp in Shenyang has a cremator and sells the organs of Falun Gong practitioners. The websites also published photos of the so-called cremator.

On 20 March, the media of “Falun Gong” introduced one “witness” called Anne. She claimed that she was an employee of the Sujiatun Liaoning Thrombus Treatment Center of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine and that her ex-husband was once a cerebral surgeon of the hospital. According to her, since 2001, this “suburban village hospital” has been used to detain a large number of “Falun Gong” practitioners whose corneas or other organs were taken away and her husband took part in such surgeries.

On 31 March, the Dajiyuan website gave the other witness, an “old army doctor” who claimed that the “concentration camp” in Sujiatun had moved underground after media exposure.

To date, “Falun Gong” has been trying every means to play up the so-called “Sujiatun concentration camp”.

Is the thrombus hospital in Sujiatun, Shenyang really a fearful “concentration camp”?

●The Real Liaoning Thrombus Treatment Center of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine

▲The Liaoning Thrombus Treatment Center of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine is located in Sujiatun District of Shenyang City. It is a prestigious thrombosis hospital known for its thrombosis treatment with traditional Chinese medicine. It is called “the thrombosis hospital” in the local area.

▲The hospital covers an area of 21,000 square meters and has a building area of 25,000 square meters. It receives nearly 300,000 Chinese and foreign patients annually. The hospital has also hosted visits by many governmental and non-government delegations from the ROK, Japan, the UK, Australia, Malaysia and Singapore.

▲The hospital is located in the busiest area of the Sujiatun District, close to the Xuesong Road, the high street of the district. To its east is the biggest park in southern Sujiatun District, Yingchun Park. To its west is the Xuesong Stadium, which has been the venue of many big sports events and cultural performances.

●A lie full of loopholes

▲The “Falun Gong” media claimed that the hospital detained over 6,000 practitioners. In fact, the hospital has a little more than 300 beds and can in no way house over 6,000 people.

▲“Witness” Anne claimed that the hospital performed vivisection on the practitioners and was involved in illegal organ transplant. In fact, as a second-tiered hospital by Chinese classification, the hospital is not capable of “removing human organs” in terms of its medical expertise, equipment or doctor’s authorization.

▲The hospital treats thrombosis mainly through oral Chinese medicines,acupuncture and massage therapy. This specialized hospital focusing on Chinese medicine cannot possibly perform such sophisticated surgeries.

▲“Witness” Anne claimed that the hospital sold organs of “Falun Gong” practitioners to Thailand and other places. Yet she failed to give any evidence or clue. As far as we know, organ donation between non-relatives is forbidden in Thailand, let alone organ import or sales.

▲“Witness” Anne claimed that her ex-husband was a cerebral surgeon of the hospital, and that he began to perform cornea removal surgery in 2001. How could a cerebral surgeon perform a cornea removal surgery?

▲The so-called “cremator” mentioned by “Falun Gong” media is in fact a boiler room.

The boiler room has several transparent glass windows. Outside of the room are public lawns where patients, their relatives and nearby residents often come to take a walk. The so-called “3-meter-high fence wall and electrified barbed wire fences” simply do not exist.

▲No patient has ever seen the “concentration camp”
“How can this hospital house 6,000 people? This is sheer nonsense.” said Lu Mingxin, a 73-year-old patient who stayed in the hospital during the week before 1 May. It was his second hospitalization there. He spent 20 days in the same hospital in spring 2003.

▲Neighborhood residents denounce it as nonsense
Old Qi, a pedicabman who has been picking up customers in front of the gate of the Sujiatun thrombus hospital for 20 years, said he never found anything wrong there, “If so many people were imprisoned here, shouldn’t there be truckloads of food coming every day?”

“I am here every day. It is impossible to have a concentration camp here,” said Wang Zhigang, who has owned Liangliang’s Grocery just next to the hospital gate for five years.

● Personal investigations by US diplomats

On 22 March, Douglas Kelly, visa officer of US Consulate General in Shenyang, made a thorough visit of the Sujiatun thrombus hospital, and expressed appreciation for the hospital’s environment and medical condition.

On 14 April, Consul General David Kombluth of US Consulate General in Shenyang, US Embassy official Eric Richardson, Health Attaché Dr. Graig Shapiro and two others paid a thorough three-and-a-half-hour visit to the hospital, including its lab of pharmacology, surgery room, canteen storage, garage, trash house, boiler room, chimney, archives as well as its neighborhood.

On the same day, US Department of State released its report on the two investigations by US Embassy in Beijing and US Consulate General in Shenyang, stating that they “found no evidence that the site is being used for any function other than as a normal public hospital.”

●On-site coverage by overseas media

On 31 March, Japan’s NHK, Hongkong’s Takungpao and Pheonix TV made an on-site coverage of the Sujiatun thrombus hospital. Two NHK journalists opened all doors and windows of the boiler room to check, and even probed their camera into the stokehole of the boiler. The journalists also opened all garbage bags to see if anything was suspicious. The results were the same: there’s nothing strange here.

After the interview, Hongkong’s Takungpao and Pheonix TV both gave their reports, verifying the non-existence of the “secret concentration camp”.

A spokeswoman of US Embassy in Beijing was quoted by the Associated Press as saying that, “according to all the information we have been able to obtain thus far, the site is functioning only as a hospital.” BBC, Reuters and other media also expressed similar views.


Falun Gong is very good at fabricating rumors. Therefore, we solemnly call upon those friends who care about China to remain vigilant against the acts by Falun Gong and its affiliated media such as Minghui.com, Epoch Times, New Tang Dynasty TV and Sound of Hope Radio to fabricate rumors and instigate hatred. We hope that friends who care about China can learn more about China through diversified channels and come to China to visit as many places as possible. I am sure you will see a more accurate picture of China in this way.

△ 医院大门
Gate of the hospital

△ 医院远景
Distant view of the hospital

△ 医生在观察病人的脑CT图
A doctor studying the cerebral CT photo of a patient

△ 医院大门外的三轮车
Pedicabs outside the gate of the hospital

△ 医生为病人做针灸治疗
A doctor doing acupuncture for a patient

A doctor doing massage treatment for a patient

△ 医生为外国患者量血压
A doctor testing the blood pressure of a foreign patient

△ 日本NHK记者在医院采访
Journalists of Japan’s NHK visiting the hospital

△ 医院的病房
Ward of the hospital

Infusion room

△ 医院锅炉房外景
The boiler room

△ 美国外交官参观医院
US diplomats visiting the hospital
