“法轮功”是20世纪90年代初开始在中国发展起来的一个邪教。 它的头目李洪志自吹法轮功是宇宙大法,最超常的科学。实际上“法轮功”是李洪志拼凑起来的。李洪志的“功底”来自于中国气功“禅密功” “九宫八卦”及泰国舞蹈。
李洪志以“强身健体”为诱饵,欺骗一些人加入法轮功,然后又用 “世界末日”、 “升天圆满”等邪说对练习者实行精神控制,致使1700多人因练习法轮功而死亡。
Introduction of Falun Gong
Falun Gong is a cult that emerged in China in the early 1990s, whose founder Li Hongzhi boasting it to be a universal law and the most supernatural science. As a matter of fact, Falun Gong is made up by Li Hongzhi on the base of Chinese Qigong exercises such as "Chan Gong" and "Jiugong Bagua" and Thai dancing.
Li Hongzhi used "keeping strong and fit" as bait to allure some people into Falun Gong and then manipulated the practitioner`s mind with fallacies such as "doomsday" and "consummation", resulting in more than 1,700 people to have died as a result of practicing Falun Gong.
After the founding of Falun Gong in 1992, Li Hongzhi created Falun Dafa Research Society in Beijing and assumed himself its chairman. Later on, he successively set up 9 general stations for the teaching of Falun Gong, more than 1,900 teaching stations and more than 28,000 practicing stations around China, forming an integrated organizational system of Falun Gong. These stations or general stations, not legally registered in the Chinese civil affairs authorities, had carried out many illegal activities, preached superstition and fallacies, fooled people, instigated and made troubles and disrupted social and public order.
In July 1999, Chinese government outlawed Falun Gong in light of its criminal activities and the public desire.