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作者:钟国兴 · 2007-12-31 来源:凯风网


















  ---印度加尔各答外科医生Rambodoc在博客上发表文章《法轮功走入歧途了吗?》,从医学专业人士的角度对法轮功炮制的“受迫害”图片的真实性提出质疑。文章认为,有些图片与文字中描述的伤害情形并不一致,“从医学上将简直就是无稽之谈”。Rambodoc曾就图片的真实性咨询过美资深外科医生肯尼思·马托克斯(Kenneth Mattox)等医学专业人士,结论均认为图片是捏造的。





  ---旧金山中华总商会拒绝法轮功参与农历新年游行得到法院支持。2月7日,加州旧金山市高等法院裁定,接受州政府资助的中国新年游行活动拒绝法轮功练习者参加并非是对法轮功的歧视。高级法院法官Patrick Mahoney支持城市人权委员会做出的调查结论,认为中华总商会拒绝法轮功参与游行活动在其权限之内。为了庆祝中国猪年的到来,耗资八十万美金的游行于3月3号在旧金山市中心举办。市政府出资七万七千美金,并提供活动的安全保障。这是继2006年之后法轮功第二次被拒绝参与新年游行,理由是法轮功练习者曾违反了此类游行禁止政治活动的原则,在游行过程中散发反对中国政府的资料。















  ---11月19日,新西兰报联社报道,法轮功企图参加新西兰第一大城市奥克兰的游行连续七年被拒绝。新西兰的著名网站Scoop Politics做了相应报道。

  ---11月25日,新西兰先驱报发表新西兰著名主持人、专栏作家克尔·伍德罕姆(Kerre Woodham)署名文章:《法轮功,请走开!》她从一个母亲的角度,对法轮功企图染指新西兰各地圣诞游行表示鄙视和不满,吁请法轮功远离圣诞游行。 


  ---由于法轮功臭名远扬,搞舆论霸权,许多境外论坛禁止讨论法轮功话题,BBS 未名空间站版主严正声明“本版严禁讨论法轮功话题,尤其对于大法人士,见一个杀一个,决不手软。”许多法轮功网站也因无人问津而处于瘫痪状态。

2007, the lost year for Falun Gong (I)

One year ago, Kaiwind Net released an article -2006, the Heartrending Year for Falun Gong. The article that outlined "ten major failures" of Falun Gong in 2006, not only greatly encouraged people around the world but also discouraged many "Falun Dafa" believers.

Time flies and the past 2007 witnessed not only Falun Gong making ceaseless anti-Chinese, anti-communist incidents but also its increasing hardship both internally and externally. It was spitted and despised both at home and in foreign countries; it lost ground externally and became discorded internally; conflicts estranged relation between its followers while its unreliable founder disrupted their confidence. What could Falun Gong do with such a heartrending time? As a matter of fact, so far Falun Gong has not just confronted with heartrending time but also gradual declining.

Here we would like to share with the readers "ten major failures" of Falun Gong in its overseas activities and keep it for future reference.

1. Facts behind the enormous figure for "three quits" - falsity hard to be concluded

On January 12, 2005, Epoch Times of Falun Gong released a "serious statement", alleging, "all those who had joined CCP and other organizations related to CCP please quit them ASAP so as to erase the evil marks; once anyone claims to quit CCP and other organizations related to CCP, Epoch Times can testify him with records of fact it archived." Since then, Falun Gong started it farce of instigating people quitting CCP, CCL and Young Pioneer with ghosts and gods. "Three quits" came to be an important sign for Falun Gong to have evolved from a cult organization to a retroactive political organization acting in cult approaches.

By the end of 2007, the number of people quitted CCP released by Epoch Times exceeds 30 million. While Falun Gong was bloating with its fabricated "three quits" numerous figure, more and more people began to disclose the lowdown on "three quits". In November 2007, a rootless "Quitting CCP Statement" with the names for 12 pets written by a webster nicknamed "Withered Vine" (Kuteng) was released without hesitance on Epoch Times website. Later Withered Vine posted on Freshrain Forum an article So Funny that my Pets Quitted CCP. With a hyperlink to the original "Quitting CCP Statement" and the Quitting CCP Certificate issued by Epoch Times, the article revealed the real face of Falun Gong in rumoring "three quits". In order to prove the falsity of "quitting CCP", since May 2006, Webster "a waggery old man" logged on Falun Gong websites for many times with different anonyms and coined 108 quitting CCP statements. All of the statements were accepted by the website while most of which were included in Major Quitting CCP Statements. 64-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Chen Xiufang from Jingjiang City of Jiangsu Province stated that she had coined a list of over 2000 people for having "quitted CCP". A Falun Gong member named Hu Ming had issued "three quits" statement for more than 9000 people, including his relatives that had passed away and many people with no relation to three quits...

According to CCP Central Committee Organization Department statistics release on July 15, 2007, from 2002 to 2006, 11.859 million people joined CCP and number of CCP members reached 72.391 million.

Falun Gong instigated "three quits" is in fact a political wizardry. Li Hongzhi and heads of Falun Gong was quite clear about its real story. The public has been very clear about it from the very beginning and Falun Gong fanatics will certainly understand sooner or later. Can Falun Gong add more stories to the astonishing 30 million fabricated stories? What can Falun Gong do to carry forward such a falsity or retreat from it? In fact, Falun Gong cannot bring it to a proper ending.

2. Sabotaging Olympic Games unpopular

On August 9, 2007, under the strict monitoring of tens of Greek policemen, tens of Falun Gong practitioners in yellow cassock lighted a torch whose shape is still not known to the public with a lighter provided by one of the few "democratic activists" on the Central Square of Greece. After that, Falun Gong declared that the symbolic "Human Rights Torch" against Beijing Olympic Games was lighted. In four months' time, despite that Falun Gong tried any possible means to make an uproar, the lighter lighted "Human Rights Torch" was coldly welcomed. During the Relay, apart from several Falun Gong practitioners in yellow cassock and the democratic activists, there were seldom any people echoed. So far, no official Olympic Committee or active athlete responded to such a Relay. Even the full time trumpeter of Falun Gong, Canadian politician David Kilgour had to admit, "It is impossible for any government to join in the efforts of rejection."

Beijing Olympic Games, which is widely supported by countries and people advocating peace, will be one with the most participating countries and regions in the Olympic history. Falun Gong is very resentful and fearful for such a result. It has been very critical of the European and American countries that didn't support them in rejecting Beijing Olympic Games. Many people who supported Beijing Olympic Games were abused or even cursed by Falun Gong.

---Since August 24, a large-scale mountain forest fire broke out in Greece. When various media objectively reported the Greek fire and expressed sympathy over the misfortune and disaster the Greek public suffered, Falun Gong media, however, crowed over the disaster and spread rumors saying that the place where the Olympic flame is collected was totally destroyed. It also said that the fire "is a providence that certainly has inner relationship with the controversial CCP Olympic Games to be held next year." It even attempted to fool the public with falsity that "Greek gods and goddesses are determined to ultimately destroy the source of Olympic flame for Beijing Olympic Games with the price of a shocking forest fire.

---On September 6, Italian tenor opera singer Luciano Pavarotti died of illness. While people were in grief for having lost such a great artist, Falun Gong wantonly curse Pavarotti, saying that his death "is punishment from God" for reason that Luciano Pavarotti had openly supported Beijing Olympic Games.

---On September 9, in 2007 Special Olympic World Summer Games in Shanghai, U.S president George W. Bush participated in the event celebrating Olympic Torch reaching U.S and said that he was "eager to be invited by president Hu Jintao to watch Beijing Olympic Games" and promised: "I will come to Beijing to watch Beijing Olympic Games in 2008." This was in fact a great shock for Falun Gong, which expressed strong rejection and blamed the president, "Mr. President, what on earth are you doing?"

It is Chinese people's common expectation to hold Olympic Games and their general desire to successfully hold the Game. Any organization or individual that wishes to sabotage Beijing Olympic Games in any excuse are against the will of the public and will certainly fail.

3. Organ harvesting report aborted

In March 2006, Falun Gong fabricated "Sujiatun Concentration Camp". Since the lie was completely out of air, it was soon rejected by the public. Later, Falun Gong asked two Canadian to keep fabricating and spreading the falsity. The two Canadian- one being counsel for smuggler Lai Changxing in Canada and one being a strong anti-Chinese activist -released an "investigation report" in July 2006, claiming that a hospital in Sujiatun of Shenyang City harvested organs from thousands of Falun Gong practitioners. Since then, they traveled around the world to spread such a falsity in an aim of defaming China and instigating to "reject Beijing Olympic Games", which was, however, widely denounced by the international community.

---After a field visit, U.S embassy and consulates in China openly stated that there was no "concentration camp" in Sujiatun.

---Many western mainstream media including AP, Reuters, BBC and CNN released news clarifying the fact.

---Hong Kong based Phoenix TV broadcasted a featured program - David's Report Reexamined after reporters from Phoenix TV visited Sujiatun. The program strongly refuted Falun Gong with undeniable facts.

---Under the invitation of Chinese Medical Association, reporters from Canadian mainstream medium Ottawa Citizen visited China and published on the Paper three reports questioning organ harvesting story on August 9, November 24 and 25, believing that the story "may be intentionally fabricated".

---Rambodoc, a surgeon from Calcutta, India posted on his blog an article: Is the Falun Gong Going wrong? In the article, the author questioned the authenticity of the pictures about "persecution" fabricated by Falun Gong in the eye of a professional surgeon. The author believed that some pictures were inconsistent with injure described. "Medically speaking, this falls close to the category of myth or rubbish". Rambodoc had consulted Kenneth Mattox, a senior American surgeon and other medical professionals, who believed that the pictures were fabricated.

The mob of Falun Gong really underestimated wisdom of the pubic.

4. Failed in challenging laws in various countries

It is the common feature for cults in the world to ignore laws and disrupting public interests. Falun Gong in particular, not only violated Chinese laws, but also ignored legal system in many other countries.

---Dafa disciples were jailed in Singapore for contempt. On January 22, when Singapore court was trying the "illegal assembly on Orchard Road" case of Falun Gong disciples that took place in last October, six Falun Gong disciples turned against the judge to show their contempt. When witness from Singapore Police was being enquired in the court, the Falun Gong disciples began to recite Li Hongzhi's scriptures in chorus, resulting in interruption of court. Although the judge ordered them to stop reciting, the Falun Gong disciples didn't listen to him at all. For contempt, the Falun Gong disciples were sentenced for two days imprisonment.

---The court supported Chinese Chamber of Commerce in San Francisco to have excluded Falun Gong in Chinese New Year's parade. On February 7, San Francisco Superior Court ruled that followers of Falun Gong did not suffer discrimination when the group was barred from marching in a Chinese New Year Parade that received city funding. Superior Court Judge Patrick Mahoney sided with the city Human Rights Commission's conclusion that the Chinese Chamber of Commerce was within its rights to exclude Falun Gong. The city contributes $77,000 of the parade's more than $800,000 budget along with police protection. This year's procession, which celebrates the Year of the Pig, is scheduled for March 3 in downtown San Francisco. This is the second time that Falun Gong was refused to participate in New Year's parade since 2006 for reason that Falun Gong practitioners previously violated the parade's ban on political activity when they handed out anti-China leaflets.

---Lost a lawsuit in bringing a false charge against Ottawa Chinese Newcomers Senior. In October, Ontario Superior Court ruled that Ontario Human Rights Committee lost the lawsuit on Falun Gong bringing a false charge against Ottawa Chinese Newcomers Senior. This greatly encouraged overseas Chinese associations in Ottawa fighting against Falun Gong.

---Prohibited to force into the celebration of Jakarta in Indonesia. In the evening of July 7, a parade was hold in Jakarta to celebrate the 480th birthday of the city. Falun Gong members forced into the parade without permission and were stopped by the police. In the meantime, numerous banners and musical instruments of Falun Gong were confiscated.

---Thai version of Nine Commentaries fabricated by Falun Gong was prohibited by Thai Government. In November, Thai public security and press regulation agency ordered to prohibit selling and spreading Nine Commentaries and other Falun Gong propagating material and confiscate existing presswork in Thailand in light of Thai Press Regulation Rule.

5. Overseas media joined the efforts of denouncing Falun Gong

In 2007, overseas media became a new force in publishing articles denouncing Falun Gong, which seriously shocked Falun Gong. Their reports on Falun Gong got more and more rational and revealed a large number of negative events about Falun Gong

---On January 17, Canadian CBC TV broadcasted a news entitled: Chinese New Year Spectacular "just propaganda": Chinese Embassy. The news retailed view of Chinese Embassy in Canada and quoted a letter from a Canadian Chinese saying, "We went there looking for traditional Chinese culture and a celebration of New Year and it wasn't either of those things, really. In the end, I felt deceived."

---On February 5, an article on AP pointed out that Epoch Times is the mouthpiece of Falun Gong.

---On February 9, La Presse Chinoise published True Magazine Vol. 3, calling on overseas Chinese to take action warning Falun Gong that the majority people are different from them.

---On February 14, article-Judge rules against Falun Gong in San Francisco parade flap on Associate Press gave a report on San Francisco Superior Court siding with the city Human Rights Commission's conclusion that the Chinese Chamber of Commerce was within its rights to exclude Falun Gong.

---On March 2, New York Sun reported that Falun Gong initiated a lawsuit against Chinese Embassy but it could not present any firm evidence.

---On it June, July and August volume, the monthly journal Church-heresy run by Korean Christian published a service of article to confirm the cult nature of Falun Gong with full and accurate material. It called on Koreans to reject Falun Gong and not to be deceived by Falun Gong. The articles caused drastic panic in Falun Gong. They dared not argue openly but trying to appease impact of the articles in ways of threatening, intimidating and buying out the magazine sneakingly.

---In June, media in Netherlands reported a horrifying homicide case-"the rarest tragedy in Dutch's criminal history" committed by Falun Gong practitioner Long-Long G in October 2006. The Hague court of Dutch ruled on June 22 that the accused involved in murder and corpse dismembering should have compulsive mental treatment because of schizophrenia and chronic paranoia. According to local media, the suspect was obsessed in Falun Gong when got to Netherlands in August 2003. Since then he always sat quietly and contemplated at home practicing Falun Gong. In the process of practicing Falun Gong, the suspect's illusion and extremity became more and more severe. As confessed by the suspect, there was certain spiritual force in his brain conveyed him the mission of "killing someone". The reason why he had cut up, deep-fried and baked the corpse was because he tried to expel spirit of the dead out of his body. Public Daily reported that the suspect once looked for other Falun Gong believers before the murder and asked how to kill a person.

---On October 30, Australian Media reported that Mayor of Melbourne John So refused to let Human Rights Torch Relay initiated by Falun Gong with an aim of sabotaging Beijing Olympic Games to enter the city.

---On November 11 and 17, both Whittier Daily News and Los Angeles Times carried out objective reports on the news that Pasadena City of California rejected plan of Falun Gong to reject and harass the Olympic Flowery Vehicles as well its plan of having Human Rights Torch relay. Police of Pasadena also warned the Falun Gong organization not to take any arbitrary action. Associate Press also reported the unpopular attempted of Falun Gong in sabotaging 2008 Olympic Games with an article entitled Pasadena refuses to criticize China.

---On November 19, New Zealand Press Association reported that Falun Gong members' request of participating Auckland's Parade was rejected for the seventh time in seven years. A famous New Zealand website Scoop Politics also carried reports on it..

---On November 25, New Zealand Herald carried out an article: Kerre Woodham: Going, going, Gong written by Kerre Woodham, a famous anchor and columnist in New Zealand. In the article, Kerre Woodham expressed her indignity and critical over Falun Gong's attempting to participate in various Christmas parade in New Zealand and urged Falun Gong to keep away from Christmas parade.

---On November 30, Irish Times reported that Falun Gong practitioner Shu Shen has been found guilty of murdering an Irish postmaster on December 8, 2006. Shu Shen was given a mandatory to life sentence for murder. He was also given 10 years in prison for the robbery of the post office at John's Green, Kilkenny, and possession of a firearm with intent to commit the robbery. Shu Shen killed 32-year-old Alan Cunniffe, after a robbery at a post office in Kilkenny, south-eastern Ireland. This is one more bloody murderer of Falun Gong practitioners after the horrifying murder and corpse dismembering in Netherlands. Many European media gave reports to this case and the public got more concerned of Falun Gong.

---As Falun Gong was notorious in public opinion hegemony, many overseas forum doesn't permit discussion on Falun Gong. MITBBS Proclaimed on its forum: "Falun Gong issue is forbidden on this forum. No Dafa member is allowed." Many Falun Gong website are also collapsing since they are seldom visited.

(Kaiwind, December 31, 2007)
